Saturday, April 3, 2010

Self-Care Tools for Transitions

Transitions challenge us on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual. You might feel physically fatigued, unusually energized, or alternating between the two. Your thoughts may be in overdrive, or you might feel mentally stalled. Many feelings are likely to surface, including depression, sadness, loss, disappointment, fear, anxiety, anger, excitement, joy and hope. Your relationships might feel “off.” On a spiritual level, you might find yourself questioning your spiritual beliefs.

I’d like to provide some tools that can help you maintain or improve your mental health when going through any transition--a relationship change; a job or career change; beginning or graduating from college; going through a life-stage transition, such as entering young adulthood or midlife. Focus on what you find helpful and intriguing. Experiment with those tools that feel foreign to you. Modify the tools to suit your preferences. I think you’ll find they are interrelated and support each other and, most important, you.

here to read about the tools.

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